Friday, April 13, 2012

Karla McLaren: Emotions are Always True

Karla McLaren, empath, author of Emotional Genius shares the thought that emotions are always true (about something), but they’re not always right.

She suggests that we should embrace our emotions rather than try to subdue them. Naturally, this needs to take some consciousness, but it's a great concept that emotions can be a great thing.

Too often, dealing with the challenges of ups and downs that come with being bipolar, it is tempting to subdue my emotions rather than to listen to what they are saying.

I believe that strong emotions can be a great blessing.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

10 Things You SHOULD Say to a Depressed Loved One - Beyond Blue

Therese Borchard, one of my favorite bloggers, shared 10 Things You SHOULD Say to a Depressed Loved One - Beyond Blue. 

In short, the 10 things are:
1. Can I relieve your stress in any way?
2. What do you think might help you feel better?
3. Is there something I can do for you?
4. Can I drive you somewhere?
5. Where are you getting your support?
6. You won’t always feel this way.
7. Can you think of anything contributing to your depression?
8. What time of day is hardest for you?
9. I’m here for you.
10. Nothing.

I have a number of friends who suffer from the challenges of depression, even bipolar. I feel for them. I know, at least for me, to what it is like to go through some of the struggles of dealing with emotions that are out of control. However, there are still a lot of times when I just don't know what to say.

Maybe Therese's suggestions will help to know what to say.